
Monday, July 23, 2012

The Sunday Sabbath

Why do some Christian observe Sunday as the day of rest and other observe saturday as the day of rest? Who is right? Who is wrong. This is what this blog is about today.
The source of the confusion is the lack of understanding of the reckoning of the time and the collusion of the two types of recknoning that is involved in the biblical record.
Which are solar and lunar.
This understanding will clarify many of the references in regard to the ressurection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us, look at the first one in Mathew 28:1, which in the KJV of the Bible seems very confusing because many readers assume that the sabbath mentioned in the text seem to occur on the first day of the week. Every bible student knows that the sabbath day which is the seventh day, the last of the week (see Genesis chapters 1&2) and no way can a seventh biblical day be the first biblical day. If we believe that then 6 hours of a day are colluded between the two days, if we accept that rational. However that is how the passage reads, if we look at it ignoring the obvious. Which is, that Mathew was trying to convey to his readers that two distinct reckonings of time converged at the greatest event in human history. Those two reckonings of time are solar and lunar. You see, the biblical week is Lunar, meaning, that night fall begins a new day and the following daylight period concludes the 24 hour lunar day period. This explains Mathews discription of the time of occurance of the ressurection was in the end of the sabbath day. Now wait, He also says that was dawning toward the first day of the week. A few things was going on here. Either the sabath mentioned in the passage is not the seventh day sabbath or He converged a solar period of the first day of the week which is Sunday with lunar period of the seventh day of the end of a biblical week. I believe it was the former. Here is an bit of biblical proof that is overlooked. That is the feast of unleavened Bread is itself a sabbath period. It is eight sabbath days long. Each day of it is a sabbath day. Where is the biblical proof you say? Read Exodus 12:1-16; Levitcus 23:1-8 and Mathew 26:2,17-19. So any of those days would have been a sabbath day. Jesus died and rose on one of those sabbath days. It just happened at the end of the Sabbath day which ended the feast of unleavened bread. That sabbath day which Jesus rose from the dead converged with the Roman first day of a Solar week which caused a meeting of the lunar sabbath day and Sunday which is a solar day. So, Jesus did rise on a sabbath day this is true, but he did not rise on the seventh solar day as so manny believe that he did.
What proof I have of this? Jesus was crucified on the day of the passover which was also sabbath day. He was buried on that day because the day of Preparation of the seventh day Sabbath followed after. (John 19:31, 42; Mark 15:42) The day of preparation was also a sabbath day. On the seventh day Sabbath day the Chief Priests met with the Roman authority and soldiers to conspire to defend the tomb of Jesus from his own disciples, because of Jesus' claim of rising from the dead on the THIRD day, they thought that some of Jesus'disciples, in order to make Jesus' ressurection from the dead  come true, would take this opportunity to steal the body of Jesus.(Matthew 27:62-64) Since they did this on the SEVENTH DAY Sabbath Jesus did not rise on the Seventh day but on the next lunar day which concluded the feast of unleavened Bread which was also a sabbath day. So let's count the Days by the lunar reckoning of time that is illustrated by the events in the Bible: 1) The Passover day sabbath=the day Jesus died and was buried; 2) (Mark 15:42) The day of preparation of the seventh day sabbath (which was also itself a sabbath day); 3)(Matthew 27:62) The Seventh day Sabbath=the day the Priests and the Roman authority conspire to thwart any rescue of the body of Jesus on the third day, by this time Jesus was buried for two full days; 4) (Matthew 28:1) In the end of the Sabbath day period of the feast of the unleavened bread, On the THIRD DAY Jesus arose from the dead. So Matthew 28:1 makes all the sense in the world. Because Jesus did not rise on the seventh day Sabbath, but on the first day of a biblical week which was also the last sabbath day of the feast of unleavened Bread. When we read that is was on the Sabbath day we assume that it was the seventh day of a solar week when it was not.
Now for a refreasher, a lunar day begings at sundown followed by a daylight period. This first day of a Biblical week coincided with the first daylight period of a Solar week. Which is undoubtedly Sunday morning. But is it a Sabbath? Yes it was on a Sunday Passover Sabbath that Jesus rose from the dead. To commemorate the event, so that we never forget the day Jesus rose from the dead the church has congregated on the first day of the week. On the Sunday Sabbath.

It seems to me, that some believe that I am teaching Christians to break the Law of God.  This due do some believers think that their relationship to the Law of God is still in effect.  The Apostle Paul and the first church clearly did not teach this.  Yes Jesus came to fulfill the Law of God and stated that whosoever teaches men to not adhere to the Law is least in the kingdom of Heaven,  but He said that while the Law still had legal effect.  Jesus did not go to the cross at the time he made that statement.  Furthermore, all had to be fulfilled  or satisfied, so the question is did Jesus satisfy all of the requirements of the Law of God as revealed to Moses? The answer is yes He did.  
Now how am I teaching the breaking of the Law of Moses if Jesus satisfied and fulfilled all of it?  Because I teach that the Bible says Christians do not have to observe the Law of Moses for their salvation? Here read the rest of the revelation in another blog series titled:Christians and the Holy Law. It is where I deal with the issue of the Christians relationship with the Law of God as administered by Moses.

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